Von Auerhahn-Pasteten und anderen Metamorphosen
On the 2nd. of May, Wednesday, at 6.00 p.m. Gisbert and Rose Stachs’ exhibition “transit zone” will be opened at (AV17) gallery (Ausros vartu g. 17). Gisbert (1963) and Rose Stach (1964) live and work in Germany. After graduating from sculpture and jewellery studies they didn’t confined themselves within only these fields. Artists create interdisciplinary art by using synthesis of jewellery, installation, video art, sculpture and photography. Gisbert and Rose Stach have already held over 30 exhibitions all over the world together and separately, their works have been purchased by Japanese, Polish, Czech museums. Video works by artists have been shown in film festivals in Germany, Netherlands, Spain, Canada, Estonia and also in Vilnius at CinemaJove in 2009. Gisbert and Rose Stach are widely recognized, they earned Amberif design award, won the big prize at silver art competition, Bohmler art prize. In addition to their own work they also lecture and lead the courses about art synthesis in Belgium, Palestine and Israel. This artist’s couple is interested in everyday’s objects and social topicalities. They use the daily round and its situations as opportunity to transform and make it easier to approach to human’s emotional life. Therefore usually forgotten and unnoticeable details of everyday life can be recognized from different, emotional side. Looking from conceptual side – theses works are both, personal and global. In works by both Stachs psychological manipulations are extremely clear – everyday’s objects in non-traditional places, playing with real thing’s purpose and social implications – consumerism, value’s system, vanity, human relationships, emigration. By using essentially different artistic expression means both, Rose and Gisbert, are trying to reveal contradictory view to today’s reality, also trying to influence it with their works. They are playing not only with audience ways to read meanings, but also with things’ significance, value and fate, which purpose is neither decorative nor trying move viewer’s sensibility. In “transit zone” exhibition artists reveal transitional, liberation requiring states of human – transit zones. It is everyone’s of us personal changes’ states and forms – it is uncertainty about the future. At exhibition the artists touch and with conceptual decisions open global society problems to the audience: the usage of the third countries and emigration, slavery for global brand names or feelings of uncertainty and overload of global economic crisis which has been felt by many. In this exhibition Stachs are interested in consumers who appears in transit zones, untraditional places to create and changing meanings of objects in different contexts. For artists the purpose is not only to reflect problems of “faulty” humanity in their works, but contrary – after displaying discreetly the meaning of exposed objects, to serve for glamour society and to fulfill its vain needs, supply new view to the world. It all is reflected in their installations, photography, jewellery and video projections.